MARYMOUNT HIGH School, located in Highgate, St Mary, proved itself to be a very energetic and vibrant school community when the Youthlink/Honey Bun High Achievers School Tour visited the institution on Friday, November 8. The sun was quite hot, but that did not stop the students from coming out to participate in the events. When action got under way, they were overcome with excitement, making it one of the most memorable
tours yet.
Not surprisingly, the students immediately gravitated towards the vibrant, upbeat music pumping from the sound boxes on top of the Youthlink truck. On the lawn, to the left of the music truck, booths were set up for Youthlink, HoneyBun, and Squeezz. With each purchase of a Youthlink, students received a free cinnamon roll, doughnut, or cheesebread product from Honey Bun, and a Squeezz drink to wash it down.
According to Chloe Pinnock, “The event was very awesome! I have never seen such a joyful and energetic event taking place at Marymount High School. I enjoyed myself, and as it pertains to the products, they were all very tasty.” In keeping with the name and purpose of the tour, some of the school’s most hardworking students were recognised and presented with gifts for their diligence. The rewards served as motivation to continue to strive for academic excellence. After the boys and girls from first to sixth form collected their awards, Tisandra Thomas, who was also the winner of the DJ competition, was named as the most outstanding students and given $10,000 for her efforts.
Terrencia Clarke, who won the dancing competition, exclaimed, “The event was splendid! The commentator, Cornelius, brought a lot of energy to it, and he is one of the reasons why the event was a success. I didn’t know that it
was a dance competition. I am just passionate about dancing, so I participated. I am happy I received the prize nonetheless.”
“The day’s events were very enjoying, fun-filled and entertaining!“ teacher Coleen Bartley-Gordon shared. “I am very appreciative of the fact that the Youthlink, Honey Bun, and Squeezz teams took the time out to award outstanding students and also sell literature to further enhance student learning. I believe that the company is a good nationbuilder, contributing to the growth and enhancement of the youth in our society.”