Children reading Youthlink.
GLENMUIR HIGH School, located at 10 Glenmuir Road, May Pen, proved itself to be a very prestigious and welcoming institution when the Youthlink team, accompanied by Creation Foods Ltd, visited the institution on Tuesday, September 17.
Upon first encounter, the school grounds appeared well maintained, and it was clear that the student-teacher relationships were worthy of admiration. The principal and vice-principal warmly received us and were more than happy to assist us in any way that they could. During our time at the school, we were greeted by many smiling faces and hard-working students across the school compound.
Youthlink was escorted around the compound by members of the photography club, Xavier, Joel, Jason, and Toni, who pointed out the many departments, clubs and societies that the school has to offer. During the tour, we were taken to the Visual Arts Department and saw the many different art pieces that the students had created. What really caught our eyes was the level of technology that was used to create many of the pieces.
“We use modern technology to enhance and perfect the pieces of the students, from scanning to sharpening, the whole works. But, in essence, all the pieces displayed are hand drawn by students,” said the visual arts teacher for the upper school. The pieces were nothing short of creative and beautiful, from the masks to the paintings. It was truly the highlight of all the departments of the school, even though it was just added to the school curriculum a mere three years ago.
What was also commendable was the way in which the teachers put measures in place to ensure that every child understands the lesson being taught. Upon visiting a religious education class on the eighth-grade block, the teacher was using group work and songs to enhance the learning experience. One of the reasons for this is because a young man in the class has autism.
“It is fun, I learn a lot,” he stated, when asked about his learning experience. Notable, too, is how the teachers obviously love their profession and enjoy spending time with the students.
After the tour, the students were excited to receive a free product from Creation Foods Ltd with the purchase of every copy of Youthlink.
“I love their strawberry smoothie! It was thick, delicious and well blended. I love the vibrancy of their products. It is very eye-catching,” stated Toni Burell, an upper-six student and also a member of the photography committee, who accompanied the team on the tour.
Regarding her purchase of a Youthlink, she stated, “ The Youthlink is very interesting and inclusive. Each segment caters to different aspects of teenage life. My favourite section is the study guide. It is very informative and has proven to be very helpful in my studies.”
The products given away by Creation Foods Ltd with each purchase of a Youthlink included their Almond and Plantain Porridge Mix, coconut chips, smoothies and cookies that were brought for the students to sample.
A representative of Creation Foods Ltd, Robin-Kaye Richardson, expressed that the day was a success and that they gave away almost 200 products. “Glemuir High School is our General Manager Naomi Morris’ alma mater, so it was a lovely opportunity to give back,” she stated. Creation Foods Ltd was founded in July 2000, and is owned and operated my Naomi Morris and her brother, Neville Morris.
After the presentation by Creation Foods, the team was greeted by yet another society of the institution, the school choir. After their performance, Youthlink coordinator Kareem LaTouche stated, “We were expecting to stay for 30 minutes and ended up staying for three hours due to the positive response we were getting from the students. Glenmuir has set a standard that I expect all other schools we are visiting to maintain.”