With the big examinations not too far away, Youthlink has been working fastidiously with teachers and students in exam preparation via the Youthlink CSEC Seminar. Youthlink closed the series of workshops, previously held in Westmoreland, St Ann, Manchester and St James, with a successful seminar at The Mico University College in Kingston on April 10. Students and teachers came in large numbers from Pembroke Hall High School, the Cedar Grove Academy, and Ascot and Ardenne high schools to participate in the day’s learning. The Gleaner Company’s Sherilla Gordon hosted the days’ events, speaking to students and coordinating the activities of the morning and evening sessions.
The morning was generally dedicated to English training as teachers and exam markers went through what students should expect of the language exam. Students sat, paid attention and took notes as presenter Rhonda Williams of Ascot High School provided several tips and pieces of advice on how to best prepare for the upcoming examinations. After a well-deserved lunch break, the day resumed with the mathematics session, led enthusiastically by Michelle Field, presenter and head of the Mathematics Department at Ascot High School. After being shown an amusing and enlightening video skit depicting the various types of students in a classroom, students jumped into the arithmetics of the evening session as the presenter went through slides and explained how to master common exam questions. Some students were even invited to the front of the auditorium to display their own skills and preparedness by working out questions on a whiteboard. Prizes such as water bottles, pencil cases and stationery were given to students who bravely displayed their efforts, courtesy of Youthlink.
The session and the day closed after the presenter gave students some important reminders for their exams, such as not showing up late, using the appropriate pens (no gel-inks), remembering to take calculators, and becoming familiar with the instrument before the day of the exam. In conclusion, after a day of hard work, the teachers were presented with well-earned tokens of appreciation from Youthlink. Students definitely showed their own appreciation with their applause and cheers as they took photographs of the presentation. Overall, everyone left on a high note with some well-needed knowledge and hard-earned prizes.